Hi, my name is Yassine Seddaoui
I'm a computer engineering student.

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Welcome to my website! I'm Yassine Seddaoui, a passionate programmer with a particular interest in low-level programming. Currently studying Computer Engineering at Polytechnique Montreal, I have a strong foundation in languages like C++, C, and Assembly, as well as experience working with embedded systems. From participating in robotics programming projects to developing efficient algorithms, I enjoy delving into the intricacies of code at a lower level. With my technical skills and dedication, I'm eager to take on new challenges and contribute to projects that require a deep understanding of low-level programming. Let's connect and explore exciting opportunities together!

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COVID-19 Discord bot | 2020

COVID-19 Discord bot that tracks and predicts death percentage in over 5 servers. Built using Python and Discord.py. Uses data processing, machine learning (KNN classifier), and web scraping (BeautifulSoup) to analyze COVID-19 data and provide predictions.

Source Code

BiblioLexicus | 2022

This Django-based project simulates a library system, enabling users to archive, search, and borrow books. With strengthened skills in Django, SQL, and user authentication, I proactively tackled challenges, ensuring efficient system functioning. Technologies: Django 4.0.4, MariaDB 10.4.

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Reverse engineering | 2023

Learning to reverse engineer games, write custom drivers, and explore process injection. Enhancing Cybersecurity skills through C++, C, and assembly. Proactively seeking solutions & deepening knowledge of game internals.

Source Code coming soon


Email: yassineseddaoui@gmail.com